
What Our Patients Say About Us!

We love that our patients feel inspired to write about the care they received here at Nisantasi FootPlus Clinic, co-founded by Prof. Dr. Semih Ayanoglu! Here are some of the wonderful comments we have received.

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“Prof. Dr. Semih Ayanoglu is very valuable and precious to me. After a traffic accident, I had a lot of fractures in my foot and it was at the point of amputation. Dr Semih Ayanoglu performed a successful operation saving my foot. I am able to walk and there have been nice changes now. I also have a CT disorder and Dr. Ayanoglu performed my operations related to it as well. All my operations were very successful. I am happy. Dr. Semih Ayaonglu approached me like a brother, he treated me very well and I am very happy to be his patient.”
Pinar S.
Ankara, TR
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“I had a hallux valgus operation in a different center. When my healing process did not go well, I reached Prof. Dr. Semih Ayanoglu, one of the orthopedists who deals with rare foot surgery in Turkey for the 2nd surgery. I had concerns about the 2nd surgery and was not sure if trip to Istanbul was worth it. He constantly motivated and reassured me with his interest and knowledge in both preoperative and operating room process and postoperative follow-ups. He is a doctor who has a place in my life and whom I will always remember with prayer and gratitude.”
Fatih A.
Berlin, DE
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We came to Prof. Dr. Semih Ayanoglu on recommendation. There was a bone at the beginning of my toe, it was on my thumb and I had calcification in my other fingers. My surgery went very well. People were scaring me, which was never as much as they said. It was my nightmare to wear closed shoes in winter, I had a lot of pain, I was only wearing sneakers. I couldn’t wear evening dress shoes. It’s been 6 months since I had surgery and now I’m wearing evening dress shoes. He is a very respectable doctor, his interest in his patients is very nice.
Sophia R.
Thessaloniki, GR
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“I had hallux valgus in both feet and also had arthritis in my right foot. A plate was placed on my foot after the surgery. The very next day everything was fine. Now I can do all my work at home. After 1.5 months, I started to go out. My edema healed quickly and my wounds closed quickly. Dr. Semih Ayanoglu was very interested and followed me very closely, X-rays were taken in the process and they called me for dressing every week. I was very pleased with him, a teacher who is extremely interested, careful and smiling, who is closely interested in his patients, who tries to spare time despite being busy and helps in every subject. My relatives had doubts about this surgery, but I encouraged them, because I trusted Dr. Semih Ayanoglu very much. It has been 3.5 months now and I am very glad. Everything is going very well. I have no problems.”
Sibel S.
Istanbul, TR
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“My baby was born with his foot turned inward and was put in plaster when he was 3 days old. 35 days later he had heel surgery and successfully recovered. He is 12 years old now and very healthy. Thank you very much to Prof. Dr. Semih Ayanoglu again”
Sebnem D.
Istanbul, TR
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My daughter’s ankle was broken in 2 places. We were not satisfied with the doctor we went to before and we reached Professor Semih Ayanoglu on recommendation. From the first moment we met, his positive behavior and interest made us happy. He understands patient psychology very well. He performed the surgery. It was very successful. We are currently undergoing physical therapy. Even physical therapists say how well the surgery was performed. All of Semih Hoca’s statements about the process were realized. We are incredibly satisfied. As a very sensitive person about the choice of a doctor, he is the doctor I always recommend with peace of mind. As a parent, he made us very comfortable with his approach, information and positive energy. We received a return every time we wanted to reach him. I am glad we met Dr. Semih Ayanoglu.
Ozden Y.
Izmir, TR
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My son has bone disease in his hands and feet. We went to Prof. Semih Ayanoglu and he had surgery on his feet. It was very successful thanks to Dr. Ayanoglu. His treatment continues. May God be pleased with my professor Semih Ayanoglu. He took care of everything very well. He expressed the process very clearly. He is a very caring doctor that we can call 24/7. He approached us like a brother. He is a physician who always prioritizes the health of his patients.
Riza Z.
Istanbul, TR
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I had hallux valgus in both feet. I normally live in Izmir but came to Istanbul for Prof. Dr. Semih Ayanoglu. I had surgery on one foot at first. Then I came back to him for my other foot because I was very satisfied with my doctor. Both my surgeries were very successful. He is an excellent doctor. Both his attitude towards the patient and his professional success are great. He is a doctor who is very friendly and attentive to his patient. He informs the patient in detail about the process. I have always been able to provide easy access. I highly recommend Dr. Semih Ayanoglu.
Umit O.
Izmir, TR
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I had an accident and sprained my ankle, then there was swelling and pain. I went to Prof. Dr. Semih Ayanoglu based on recommendation. MRI was taken, and 2 fractures were detected. At the same time, it was discovered that there was no bone formation in one part of my congenital heel and there was also a cyst there. Dr. Ayanoglu said I needed surgery. I was postponing the situation with my heel, so we decided to do the procedure for it as well . He removed the cyst, bone powder was filled instead. I didn’t think I would come across such a great doctor when I went to the hospital. He acted like one of my family. He explained everything in great detail. He always told me that if you have any questions, ask, don’t have any question marks in your mind. It is also very important that he is easily accessible. His approach to the patient, his behavior, his information is perfect. One almost feels sorry that he is cured. He is a very successful doctor, whom I recommend to everyone around me with peace of mind.
Serkan A.
Istanbul, TR
Let’s Schedule Your Appointment

Consultation with a qualified doctor

We believe that meeting face-to-face is the best way to experience our exceptional service. After the consultation, our team will be there to assist you with the on-boarding process.

During your visit, our team will personalize your experience to help you understand how we can assist you in achieving your foot-related goals. Here’s how it works:

  1. Book an appointment time that is convenient for you.
  2. Complete the enrollment documents before your consultation.
  3. Meet with your doctor on your scheduled appointment date.
  4. Schedule a follow-up call with our concierge for any further questions.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

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